Especially for people who have asked us to share our original recipes with Matcha from Japan, here is our MATCHA RICE, very easy to prepare, and delicious. For this recipe we use our Organic Ujicha Matcha because its finesse and high quality are perfect for this recipe that will celebrate for all. You can find…


Our original recipe for fruity and spicy hibiscus flowers to prepare your favorite summer drink!   A cold tea, a non-alcoholic aperitif and a drink for children that will enchant you!   Ingredients (for 1 LITER and a HALF): 4 tablespoons of our SPICY BISSAP INFUSION* (Karkade Infusion) 5 liters of water Sugar Preparation:   Let…


ANGEL KISS the original cocktail that will delight your guests. It can be served without alcohol or  just with wine. Ingredients : 10 cuillères à café du mélange de thé vert/blanc “PURE EXOTISME” 2-3 fruits de la passion 2 bâtons de cannelle poudre de cardamome menthe fraîche 200 ml de nectar de fruit de la passion…


New! We are preparing original recipes for the summer season: cold tea, non-alcoholic cocktails, delicious appetizers! Soon in our RECIPES section. For example what do you think of a hazelnut, walnut and maple appetizer? Or a magnificent cold tea with pineapple and bergamot? In addition, easy to prepare and so many varieties that you can…